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Cochran Family Update 2015

Our parents are doing well. They celebrated 32 years of marriage in June and have spent most of the year planning various aspects of our building and moving process! They are also excited about seeing their dream of living off the grid come into being!

I (Savannah) am now 23 and very blessed to be a daughter in my father’s home. I’m also very excited about our new home and property! I still have bees and actually hope to get a few more hives in the spring. I enjoy working with daddy, helping teach a couple of subjects to the boys and Shen, and pursuing some various interests on my own. In my spare time (haha), I started learning guitar over the summer and quickly decided it was a favorite. I look forward to advancing in my playing ability!

Sabrina is 18 and finishing some final requirements before graduating! She is looking into getting started with meat rabbits and constantly blesses us with scrumptious kitchen delights. 

Sienna (15) loves all things military and war history and is also quite the wonderful storyteller. We keep telling her she needs to become an author!

Stasia (14) is our resident seamstress. She is very gifted when it comes to making her own patterns! Although the goats have historically been Sabrina’s “thing”, Stasia and Sayer are taking over and are excited about expanding the goat operation together.

Seth (12) is quickly maturing into quite the young man. He and Sayer have become quite the help to daddy between building and work on the property. He is also a primary milker of our dairy cow (along with Stasia!).  I think one of the highlights of Seth’s year is that he is quickly passing all his siblings (and mom!) in height!!

Sayer (10) is trying to catch up in height to Seth!! Besides what I’ve already stated above, he has a love of all things flying and the Air Force and still wants to follow in daddy’s steps one day. 

Shenandoah (or Shen, as she is commonly known) just turned 7 the beginning of December. She is growing so fast! She loves to read and is learning to be more and more of a help around the home. 

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